Viewing Items

Show Single

The most basic way of viewing a single item is through the show command, calling show with an ID:

$ wdid show a9fi3q
⇒ a9fi3q -- Mon, 26 Mar 2018 00:00:00
 my task from yesterday that I forgot.

You can also just use a prefix for the ID, and wdid will attempt to match the correct one:

$ wdid show a9f
⇒ a9fi3q -- Mon, 26 Mar 2018 00:00:00
 my task from yesterday that I forgot.

If there are multiple items that match the prefix, wdid will display them both so you can pick the correct one.


A more powerful way to view all items for a day is through the list command. This is the default command in wdid, not specifying a command will invoke it.

ls or list lists all tasks from a period of time (default today).

$ wdid
⇒ l72i3q  "my task item"        Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:10:40
$ wdid ls # equivalent
⇒ l72i3q  "my task item"        Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:10:40

Passing a time will filter the list to just that time:

$ wdid list week # all tasks from this week
✘ a9fi3q  "my task from yesterday that I forgot."           Mon, 26 Mar 2018 00:00:00
⇒ l72i3q  "my task item"                                    Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:10:40

There's also an advanced listing filter language, for more complex filtering.

List Formats

Data can be printed in a couple of different ways. The supported formats are "text", "human", and "json". The text format is tab-delimited and useful for parsing with other command line tools, whereas the human format is easier to read for humans (colored, unicode characters, more detail when viewing single items). The "json" format prints items in JSON Line format, one item per line (\n). The default is "human". To change, pass a "format" flag: wdid list --format=text week.

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