
Creating Groups

Groups organize items defined by a set of filters. We can create them with the group command and passing a name and set of filters:

$ wdid group -n "my group name" -f "status=done,time=week,tag=@josler"

Both --name and --filter are required.

These groups can be used to provide saved sets of filters for easy use.

List Items By Group

You can use groups to list items; either as part of a larger filter set, or just on their own.

# show all items in the group
$ wdid -g "my group name"

# filter using a group and just this week
$ wdid "group=my group name,time=week"

Listing Groups

List groups via the group-ls command.

$ wdid group-ls
prs: "tag=#pr,time=this week"
o11y: "tag=#o11y,status!=done"

Removing Groups

Groups can be deleted:

$ wdid group-rm --name prs

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